Monday, June 02, 2014

Me and Ann B. Davis, Part II

In my exuberance to get a post up quickly and start a trend in the hopes of going viral with my woeful story of a lost picture of me and Ann B. Davis ("Alice" from The Brady Bunch, as if you didn't know), I forgot to upload the photo from my journal. It's attached at the end of this entry.

Yesterday's entry was the highest one in quite a while, especially for one not linked to a spam site (like my New Year's 2014 post, which doesn't deserve all the hits is gets). Hits came in from twitter and Facebook, but the big leader was definitely reddit. However, while there were nearly 1,000 hits yesterday, I had only one comment on reddit, and a couple of Favorites on twitter, along with a retweet or two.

Wherever Dean and Marcy are, they aren't connected to this trend. By the way, I will be really, really embarrassed if I go back to that journal and find that I flubbed one of there names. I'm doing this from memory, but I remember them. Not only that, at the time, I was writing about 5 or 6 pages in my journal per day on the ride home. Well, I wrote about this trip for at least a week afterward so I wouldn't leave out the details. I put the journal back, but I can dig it out again.

Anyway, here's the promised picture:

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